Train of Thoughts

The World Feels likes is tearing apart but the Strength Remains

Sat, 25 Mar 2023

Strength flourishes with rancor and the dream still prevails.

I lost the horizon of this page once again for a long time, I even planned to make a greeting for the new year, but instead I decided to dedicate my time to other things more productive for the soul like polishing my art to share more quality content. But anyway I notice that I keep staying in a comfort zone where I question the artistic bias I chose to follow, still and in spite of everything I want to keep developing and improving at least for me, like trying to find an achievement that I will never be proud of but the pinnacle is getting closer and closer with every grain of contribution that one can achieve under his own will.

I know these last two years were a shitty rock for everyone, and will remain on another dark page of history. Today we are experiencing another setback in occultism and superstition. Where humanity is currently going through a constant sickness, a will towards self-destruction. Current times where the achievements of science are being questioned and instead are being replaced by a distorted reality convenient for a few to continue selling their favors and cutting the throat to anyone who wants to stand against their status quo. In an age where special privileges and needs are taken as rights, enters in conflict with other true rights such as the freedom of speech.
When a right is given someone has to pay for it, as in Festin's song: "Car rien n'est gratuit dans la vie" (Nothing is free in life).
If we choose to focus on equality rather than freedom without a doubt and it is proven that we fall into an abyss making everyone equal, yes, equal in misery. I am a witness and my country is the proof of it, what it was and continues to be: a shit hole country.

But changing the subject to something much more productive, since I tried to express it before in some lost stream I made some time ago, I prefer to focus on those I can control and learn to stop complaining, haha. I made a couple of updates to the site, changed some details and little things that cost me and take me time to learn and apply, that's the main reason why there are not enough modifications. Tomorrow I will leave it ready to be more of a portfolio view and its content more direct to reach without having to be going through several pages.

I hope this is at least a new beginning for me, do not let your dreams be overshadowed by those false friends and family, the vast majority want to see you miserable and lost to justify their own misfortune in which they were the authors of their decisions.

As always thank you all for being there, hopefully this can be useful to someone. let the strength be granted!

Shad Reflections

Fri, 09 Nov 2021

Shad got arrested for assault with a "deadly weapon". Once I said before in a live that I wanna talk about the dud but never find a spare time and always forget to come out with the topic. The story is like this. Since a couple of months ago shad started to post some twits, where the content speak for itself.
He was trough a mental break (a "snap" if you wanna say) caused by a toxic relationship and the use of various drugs. An attempt to scratch the internet for some questionable attention. A breaking point where a normally functional brain can't imagine it.

The trip down about drugs as no bottom except death and in the way shit and horrible things happens.
Shad was a figure and with him the idea of no limits in the art and the black humor.
From that broth of ideas of the "shad figure" I keep with the free speech and his consequences, to lose the fear of expressing yourself with the bast world of art, and that's what I try (at least) to transmit with my poor vocabulary.

Each one as their moral and pyramid of values, thanks to evolution each one is different. Mostly will already know there as to be some respect in the middle and one it's about making nsfw stuff of actually people from IRL.
The Freedom dies when the others ones born same with rights but that's maybe for another talk.
There are things I don't share with that figure and that's one, I personally don't like to sexualize every character that I confront and I think that's a form of dehumanizing (altought some of you will think that sex it's natural and it's true) and as if it where some kind of corruption in the original idea or vision.

That's mostly I don't like to make NSFW content. Hope you understand and sorry for bothering you. Have a gud day.

A salute for new winds

Tue, 30 Sep 2021

First of all, wanna say thanks for your all the support since the creation of this server aka bunker. These 8 months have been pretty rough but nonetheless creative and lots of work in a good way. One has plans for a year and expectations to fulfill but not always can result as planned but that's when you learn to be less riot and order your life a bit more in general.

As the offers started to come, I was in need to choose which projects are the most set for me, just for not delivering too much trash and to improve in this path. So I selected a couple of indes dev and a capcom third party contractor. Working for these was a good hell experience and during these time was not the less frustrated but delighted of the good treat that I have with the new ppl I meet.

Time pass and I affiance to continue with this "under method" contacts that I got usually with devs and new company's. Because that's when one notice how much the other person cares about the stuff that ones do. I thought to post these words in twitter or another social media but I don't consider the seriousness of that places, I think this space is more than personal to share these lines.

For not keep roasting much... I'll keep making the stuff that I like and keep delivering quality work with the most few "happy mistakes". And make once for all the little twisted vision I have for those who enjoy long stories.